We use this almost every day. Also, constantly yelled at the workers to wear the helmet.
Are we aware enough of the safety helmet standards?
Hard Hat Color Code
It is essential to know the types of helmet color code in construction.
Though this list is a standard one. Each company can represent their own standard.
Purpose of the Helmet Color Code
Apart from safety, there are other reasons too. If safety is the only thing, then all of us can wear the same color of a hard hat while working.
The reasons for different color codes are,
- To identify a person and his responsibility
Situation 1 – Assume, you have faced some electrical issue on the first floor and like to inform the responsible person to shut down the power on that floor. If you can easily identify the person from far among a crowd, you can easily instruct him to shut down the power supply by action. It also avoids unnecessary delay in emergency situation
- To avoid any accidents
Situation 2 – Assume, you are going to operate some heavy machine, for safety purpose you have to call out all the manpower out of that field. If you can spot any type of hard hats under your work swing, you could instruct them to go away and can avoid accidents.
- It protects the impact from falling objects.
- It protects the penetration of any dangerous objects at a workplace. (rods, bricks etc.)
Standard of a Safety Hard Hat
A firm hard hat should be,
- Shock Absorption Resistance
- Penetration Resistance
- Flammability Resistance
- Water Absorption
- Heat Resistance
- Electrical Resistance
Now coming to our main topic, below is the list of color hard hats used in construction
However, these are the general rule according to safety law. Sometimes changes will be applied according to the contract agreements. So it is necessary to know your sites helmet color code rules written on the doc.
If there are no specs about helmet color code, then this will be applied.
Helmet Color Code
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